
Services We Offer

  • Weekly mowing: Our mowing services include mowing all lawn areas, trimming, and clearing any necessary debris. All sidewalks and driveways will be blown clean.
  • Shrub trimming: Bush trimming and detailed hand pruning to give a nice professional manicured look.
  • Edging: Keeps beds nicely shaped and will help them stand out. Edging of driveways, walkways and curbs will help to keep weeds from growing in and grass from growing over.
  • Spring and Fall cleanups: Clean out leaves from shrub and flower beds, window wells, under decks, and in the lawn. Cleanup sticks and acorns on the property cut back decorative grasses and perennials, removal of all leaves and debris, and lawn mowing. (Spring cleanup will provide power raking the lawn as well)
  • Over Seeding: Multiple blades slice into the soil and plants seed in at the same time. Great for seeding thin lawns or bare spots in the lawn.
  • Core Aeration: Core Aeration is a great way to ensure a deep, strong root system which in turn will keep your grass healthy. Aeration involves removing small “cores” or plugs from your lawn in order to remove thatch, reduce soil compaction and allow nutrients and water to get deeper into the soil. It also allows more oxygen flow into the turf as well. All of these components allow for a longer, stronger root system. The end result is a thicker, stronger, healthier lawn.
  • Fertilizer (For mowing customers only): Lawns require fertilizer to maintain health and vigor. A properly applied fertilizer supplements the nutrients that soil lacks. Fertilizer is an effective tool for building a healthy and long lasting lawn. Fertilizer helps your lawn by: increasing root systems and promoting new grass growth, helps in recovering from sustained traffic and harmful pest damage, replaces nutrients lost from drought and mowing, and reduces the impact of weeds.
  • Lime: Lime corrects soil acidity, promotes the availability of major plant nutrients, induces favorable soil structure and increases air circulation and the ability of the soil to absorb and hold moisture.
  • Weed control: We provide Weed pre-emergence in beds and a weed and crab grass pre-emergence for the lawn. Also weed killer for existing weeds in beds and the cracks of driveways and walkways.
  • Weed control: We provide Weed pre-emergence in beds and a weed and crab grass pre-emergence for the lawn. Also weed killer for existing weeds in beds and the cracks of driveways and walkways.
  • Routine bed maintenance: Bed maintenance done on a routine basis throughout the season by our landscape designer/plant professional. This includes: weeding, edging, pruning of plants and shrubs, dead heading annual or perennial flowers, plant fertilizer, etc.
  • Planter design: Our landscape designer will create flower planters with flowers and plants for your front porch, mulch beds, or where ever you would like to put them.
  • Mulch: Mulch not only makes your shrub and flower beds look elegant but give your yard that finishing touch. Mulch also helps keep down weeds and holds moisture in. There are a variety of mulch colors and styles available.
  • Dethatching: The best time for dethatching is in the Spring when the weather is cool and the soil is moist. A healthy thatch layer on your lawn helps hold in moisture and prevent drought or heat stress. Too much thatch is common after winter when the lawn is stressed from the cold and snow. Dethatching is used when the thatch layer is over ½ inch deep and the lawn shows signs of distress, like browning and thinning patches of grass. Removing the thatch layer when necessary allows water and nutrients to get to the soil and improve the lawns health and appearance.
  • Design/Plantings: New plantings, bed design, spruce up current plantings, transplanting. Planting designs created by our professional landscape designer.
  • Brush removal: Removal and disposal of brush piles, tree branches or any chainsaw work.Power washing: Washes away mold, moss and mildew from your concrete or paver walkways, patios and driveways. We do not do houses.
  • Plowing: Snow plowing of Residential and Commercial driveways and parking lots also includes shoveling front and side walkways and door steps.
  • Salting: Spread salt on parking lots and driveways to prevent ice.